We're Building a Nest!!! (Cellar Door)


The bird has chirped! And it’s time we build a nest!!! Just in case you couldn’t decode that bird talk - WE’RE OPENING A CELLAR DOOR!!!! Yep - probably a little too generous on the exclamation marks but that’s how freakin excited we are!

If we’ve had the pleasure of serving you at Emu Plains Market or Mordi Fest and the like - you’ll soon be able to assemble your flock and soak up the GOOD VIBES at our very own nest on Stumpy Gully Road in Moorooduc!

Planning had begun a month or so before all the shit hit the van with COVID. And now that the landscape of our industry has drastically changed (for god knows how long) the decision has been made to get a boogie on with it and rise through the ashes like a phoenix in our very own nest.

Reuse, recycle & up-cycle

The building materials will consist mainly of the many things we’ve been stock piling on the property over the years - some might say hoarding, others might say forward planning 😆

Bricks from an old pub in Carlton that got knocked down around 18 years ago. Rough sawn logs lying around the garden. Timber and corrugated iron from the old car port we’ll be replacing. Pallets, pallets and more pallets that carried our precious cargo. A stock pile of various timbers snapped up on good deals many years ago. Well… You get the gist.

So if you need to get rid of some some old junk, let us know! It could just turn into at awesome feature you can admire over a glass of wine.


A creative space

Chirping Bird is creative, wine is creative, YOUR creative!

We won’t reveal too much on this topic just yet but we can tell you it might spark something deep inside that’s been there all along 💫


Located in Moorooduc

We’re right in the guts of the Peninsula, so not too far if you live anywhere on the Ninch. And only 1 hour from the city - awwww yeah!!! The cellar door is getting build at our home block vineyard on Stumpy Gully Road in Moorooduc.


Follow the build

Out of the initial brainstorming sessions came a huge list of eclectic awesomeness! Now it’s time to prioritise and start work - pictured below is the first project (deck extension & recycled brick steps).

Are you as excited as we are yet!? Follow the socials and blog for updates on each project as they happen from week to week.


To anyone who’s supported the bird over the years - we appreciate it and can’t wait to share a glass of wine with you in the nest.

Lee Smallman